Hello world!

So this is my first post ever!  It’s the first of October 2013 and I can’t think of a better date to start blogging!

For starters, this is my birthday month and I will be turning 30 on October 29th.  I cannot wait for my birthday!  (Yes, I’m one of those people who STILL get excited about their birthday even though it’s happened 29 times already!!)  I’m even more excited this year because I am reaching a milestone year and I couldn’t be happier with my life.  I am so blessed and I try to acknowledge that as often as possible.

Secondly, at the start of each month, I like to set attainable goals for myself, so yes, this is the perfect date to start a blog because that is the focus of my current goal.  I set goals that I can actually measure and determine if I’ve reached them.  For example, my goal this month is to post on this blog at least once a week.  This is a great exercise to do for yourself, so you know that you are always moving forward in the right direction.  (The alternate is moving backwards in the wrong direction and nobody really wants that?!)  So go for it!  Set a goal for yourself, write it down, put it where you can see it everyday, use specific numbers, and please make it do-able so that you have success.

I’m sure you’ve set goals in the past, but were you really into it?  Make sure that you check in with yourself on a daily basis to see if any progression has been made.  List small steps and cross off each task when it’s completed.  (Yes, CROSS them off.  Do not just CHECK it off!  You’re done with that task and you are onto the next step!  Crossing off=completely done!)

With that, tell me about your October goal.  I want to make this blog as interactive as possible!  I love sharing ideas and hearing how other people feel about all topics.  If you would like me to post about anything in particular related to wellness (which is basically ANYTHING, since wellness covers all facets of life!), let me know. :-D


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